Ideally, systems would update themselves regularly, and upgrades would be predictable and boring. I wanted to get out of the bespoke sysadmin business, provisioning and then immediately walking away from “set it and forget it” systems wherever possible. It (still) needs to “just work” - A dependency update shouldn’t be able to steal hours of my weekend due to an unexpected conflict or config change.Instead, rely on the open source community’s established, vetted, and maintained builds, configurations, and defaults through known and trusted distribution channels. “Copy and paste these random commands from StockOverflow” isn’t the best way to run a security-conscious home network.

Outsource to the experts - The less I can trust to me “getting it right”, the better.

While config as code may come more naturally when managing a cluster of servers, even when managing only a single Raspberry Pi, prefer defined and well-understood changes over guess-and-check server administration.